Need More Leads?We can help you get more leads

  • Only pay for the leads you can quote
  • No joining fees
  • No minimum spend
  • No lock-in contracts
Register Now! Contact Us!

Why become a supplier?

  1. No risk, no lock-in contract, cancel at any time
  2. Genuinely interested customers sent to your inbox
  3. Set your daily and weekly lead limits
  4. If you reject a lead you are refunded instantly
  5. Target your exact service area on Google Maps
  6. World-class lead management portal

Apply To Access Our Sales Leads

Established in 2011, The Quote Company connects motivated consumers with trusted retailers and installers in the home services industry across Australia. For example, one of our most successful consumer sites is Solar Market, which helps individuals and businesses learn and find trusted providers of solar and battery systems. Our sales lead platform delivers:

We are dedicated to helping genuine consumers and connecting them to you. Our years of expertise in lead generation ensures you receive highly qualified leads. We carefully vet every lead using advanced technology and a hands-on team to ensure only high-quality prospects reach you.

The Quote Company is always keen to meet new installers, retailers and suppliers to add to our extensive Australia wide network.

If you want sales leads in any of these industries, we can help connect you with customers straight away:


Register to become a supplier Now!

If you have a dog, do you bring him/her to job sites with you?